Bicentenary feedback from friends throughout the country shows they are clearly focused on keeping up the momentum.
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Bicentenary feedback from friends throughout the country shows they are clearly focused on keeping up the momentum.
A bicentenary art exhibition explores the poetic reflection of Bahá’u’lláh’s experience in the Síyáh-Chál prison in 1852.
A vision for an arts exhibition conceived in May last year has come to fruition with 35 artworks on display, responding to quotations from the Writings of the Báb.
Continuing our series of stories from “The Dawnbreakers”, this instalment tells of Zaynab’s fearlessness during the Zanján upheaval, demonstrating the power of the Báb’s Revelation to tear away the veils of past traditions.
A solo exhibition in honour of the bicentennial celebrations depicts the six heroic years of the Dispensation of the Báb between 1844 and 1850.
Adding to artistic efforts around the country for the bicentenary, two believers in Hawkes Bay have created a careful replica of the House of the Báb in Shíráz — where the Báb announced His advent to Mullá Ḥusayn.
For 18 months, a group of musicians and lovers of te reo Māori has had their sights set on creating waiata for bicentenary of the Birth of The Báb. They are now completing their project by uploading a series of recordings to Youtube.
A team in Flaxmere used a concentric circle chart to identify 77 people to have conversations with and invite to the bicentenary and core activities.
“With ink that flowed in rivers on the page”, begins this poem about the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.
The annual Week of Prayer for World Peace comes at an opportune time for friendly association with the followers of other religions just prior to bicentennial Twin Birthday celebrations.
Through conversations with 550 souls and by offering Ruhi Book 1 in three modes of delivery, Clendon neighbourhood boosted participation beyond their expectations.
Continuing our series of stories from “The Dawnbreakers”, this instalment tells of the Persian Grand Vizir’s plot to bring about the execution of the Báb.
Irish singer-songwriter Luke Slott presented a musical journey through the story of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh.
Māori symbols feature in artwork that commemorates the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb and celebrates the promise of world peace which His appearance proclaimed.
Continuing our series of stories from “The Dawnbreakers”, this instalment tells of the Persian Grand Vizir’s plot to bring about the execution of the Báb.
For some time, Taranaki Cluster has taken patient steps toward starting a junior youth group. Recently, those steps paid off, with help from a visiting team and their friends in Triumph Cluster.
In the lead up to the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb, this is the first of a series of stories calling to mind the early days of the Faith and its“heroines and heroes whose faith was expressed in matchless, sacrificial acts that will forever adorn the annals of the Cause”.
After the Conference we went back home to our little town, Kaikoura, thinking "How can we do more?"
The National Teaching Conference, He Raranga Hou, gave its participants a new glimpse into a world-embracing vision and powerful resources to strengthen their efforts locally.