New Zealand Bahá'í Summer Schools, 175 B.E. — Bahá'í Aotearoa
New Zealand Bahá'í Summer Schools, 175 B.E.

New Zealand Bahá'í Summer Schools, 175 B.E.

We are happy to announce that the keynote speaker for the Bahá'í Summer Schools is Dr Vahid Saberi. Dr Saberi served on the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Australia for 15 years and is currently serving on the Continental Board of Counsellors for Australasia. He has lived in pioneering posts almost all of his life and is currently living in a large village (Lennox Head) on the far north coast of New South Wales, Australia. Dr Saberi has a PhD and Master Degree in Business Administration, a Master Degree in Public Health, and was CEO of Health and Hospital Services for over 20 years in Australia. He is currently Adjunct Professor at Southern Cross University and Senior Research Fellow at Sydney University. Dr Saberi is married with two daughters.

Dr Saberi’s presentations will include the vision of a new world and the role of religion in creating this; “building a safe home for the children of men”; and the role of the individual in this process.

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The inspiring story of the Shrine of the Báb (1850-2011)
Mr Michael V. Day, a former member of the New Zealand Bahá'í Community, is the author of three new books telling the inspiring story of the Shrine of the Báb.

Michael will present three sessions at the North Island Summer School, based on original findings and photographs included in the trilogy. The presentation will be timely because of the celebrations in 2019 of the Bicentennial of the Birth of the Báb.

Michael served at the Bahá'í World Centre (2003-2006) as editor of the Bahá'í World News Service, and is now a foreign affairs adviser.

His ground-breaking book, Journey to a Mountain (1850-1921) details, for the first time, how the sacred remains of the Báb were concealed and transported, and then interred in the Shrine built by the Master.

Coronation on Carmel (1922-1963) provides new information about the design of the Shrine’s arcade and superstructure, and how it was built under the direction of the beloved Guardian.

The third book covering the period 1963- 2011, which is to be launched at Ridván 2019, gives fascinating new insights from the architect into the creative process that led to the design of the Terraces. The book details the challenging construction process directed by the Universal House of Justice. For more information visit

To obtain a copy of “Journey to a Mountain” and “Coronation on Carmel”, please visit the Bahá'í Distribution Service.

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North Island

26-31 December 2018

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South Island

3-8 January 2019

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International Financial Collaboration

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