Summer Prayer Campaign

Summer Prayer Campaign

26 November 2018

4 Qawl 175

Bahá’í Community of Aotearoa

Beloved Friends,

We greet you with deepest love on this, the Day of the Covenant, which is a special time to celebrate a Covenant “so firm and mighty that from the beginning of time until the present day no religious Dispensation hath produced its like.” (Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha'u'llah, p. 136)

Today, the members of the North Island and South Island Regional Councils commence their new, one-year term of service. Over this recent weekend, the Counsellor and National Spiritual Assembly spent two days in the company of the wonderful souls who are dedicating their energies to serving in this role. There is much to be done by these institutions, along with the other institutions of the Faith, and all communities and individual believers. We are all agents entrusted with working to help renew society. We are all empowered to be part of creating a new civilisation. All are protagonists in this process, and have our own spheres in which to operate. With every day that passes, the sense of urgency is growing, and a great deal needs to be achieved.

The efforts currently underway need to be bolstered if we are to win the goals of the Five Year Plan. One key factor in confirming, guiding and sustaining us all in arising to achieve the aims of the Plan is to offer ardent prayers that divine inspiration and heavenly bestowals may widen our vision, deepen our wisdom, and enhance our dedication as we engage in this collaborative labour of love.

The National Spiritual Assembly calls upon every believer, young and old, to be part of a campaign of prayer, even if unable to contribute anything further to assisting with the goals of the Plan. We have the greatest confidence that consecrating even a small amount of time each day, focusing your thoughts and prayers on supplications to the Almighty, will ensure dynamic progress in Aotearoa.

We lovingly invite all the friends to contribute prayers (the Tablet of Ahmad and Fire Tablet will be particularly potent) for a summer of intensive activities for everyone, including the success of the summer initiative, and for the achievement of the goals of the Plan.

Loving Bahá’í greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

Remembering the Centre of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant

Remembering the Centre of Bahá’u’lláh’s Covenant

Unit Conventions 175 B.E.

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