Preparations for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb

Preparations for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb

20 June 2018

16 Núr 175

To all Local Spiritual Assemblies and believers in New Zealand

Dear Bahá’í Friends,

We are overjoyed to share with you a significant letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to all National Spiritual Assemblies on 1 June 2018 setting out some key points concerning preparations for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb that will be celebrated on 29-30 October 2019. This two-page letter is filled with important concepts that require careful perusal, and should be considered in conjunction with the letter of 18 May 2016 which was similarly written to all National Assemblies 18 months prior to the bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh (a copy of which is also attached).

To assist you in your study of this significant letter we encourage you to explore a few questions such as the ones provided to you at the end of this letter.

As you will realise, we are already into the third cycle since the bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh, so rather than eight cycles we now have fewer than six in which to consecrate ourselves “to the acts of service required in this age”, to give of ourselves in this “season of intensive activity that is well under way”, so that we will be in a strong position to befittingly honour these “Twin Luminaries” by the next bicentenary.

There are already many good resources available, including copies of “The Dawnbreakers” available free online, to purchase in book form from the New Zealand Bahá’í Distribution Service, and Ruhi Book 4 study circles which help provide knowledge, insights, attitudes and qualities for service. The art of story-telling and other flourishing of the arts will no doubt arise as the friends “draw inspiration and courage from the sacrifices of the dawn-breakers”. We very much look forward to the process that will unfold for the community of the Greatest Name in Aotearoa, with the contributions of every believer’s time, energy, resources and commitment to this profoundly spiritual enterprise.

Loving greetings,

National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

Questions that may assist you with your exploration of the letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice:

  • What must be accomplished before this second bicentenary?

  • How can we ensure that "every seed so lovingly sown at the first” may be “nurtured patiently towards fruition"?

  • What are the implications of the locus of activity being at the local level?

  • What adjustments in our lives do each of us as believers need to make for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Five Year Plan to become the “main focus of the believers in their clusters?”

  • For the Twin Holy Days this year on Friday 9 and Saturday 10 November 2018, how will we use this “valuable opportunity to draw on the rich experience” that was gained from last year’s bicentenary?

  • What will be the nature of the conversations which occur with our family, friends and acquaintances in connection with the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb?

  • How best will we ensure “a profound reflection on the appearance above the horizon of the world, in quick succession, of two Manifestations of God, and the implications for the life of humanity”?

  • What practical steps are you going to take to "draw inspiration and courage from the sacrifices of the dawn-breakers”?

Participation in ISGP Seminars

Participation in ISGP Seminars

Areas of Focus

Areas of Focus