Ocean of Light School needs teachers

Ocean of Light School needs teachers

Ocean of Light students participate in a junior youth programme session.

Ocean of Light students participate in a junior youth programme session.

An opportunity exists for teachers to work at a Bahá’í-inspired school in Tonga, Ocean of Light International School. Vacancies for next year include a primary teacher as well as secondary teachers in English, chemistry, physics, general science, and geography. Also needed are a music teacher and a librarian teacher (primary focused).

These permanent positions commence with the 2020 school year, beginning in late January. Applicants must be qualified teachers and fluent in English.

Ocean of Light is currently completing its 23rd year of operation and reports that it is gaining strength in helping to provide a sound moral and academic education for the children of Tonga. The school’s website is oceanoflight.to

To obtain further information or to apply, phone the school on +676 25332 or email your resumé to director@oceanoflight.to

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