Please report bicentenary activities immediately — Bahá'í Aotearoa
Please report bicentenary activities immediately

Please report bicentenary activities immediately

The national reporting form for bicentenary activities is still open. Any family, team, sector or community that has not yet reported their activities is strongly encouraged to do so by the evening of Sunday 3 November so that the information can be collated and not only made available to the National Assembly and Counsellors, but to the World Centre. Activities to honour the bicentenary held after Sunday should still be reported, however, so that a final tally can be recorded. In addition to what is on the form, if any declarations of faith arose during the bicentenary period, please report these to the National Assembly by Sunday evening, too.

The link to the form is:

The form should be filled out by the host or organiser of each event. This means, for example, if a family has hosted an evening to show the film Dawn of the Light to friends and neighbours, someone in that family would take responsibility for completing the form.

The National Spiritual Assembly wishes to have the most complete statistics possible, to give a true reflection of Aotearoa’s contribution to global bicentenary efforts.

As of Friday morning 1 November, statistics obtained from the reporting form showed a total of 7,483 participants in bicentenary activities, of which 4,128 were members of the wider community and 3,355 were Bahá’ís. It is hoped that these numbers will be considerably higher by Sunday.

Many of the friends are also sharing stories and photos of their events on the New Zealand Facebook event page . Viewing the many and varied activities of our national community is an uplifting experience. For an inspiring glimpse of worldwide activities, see

Friends can also share stories, photos and videos with the National Office for the online newsletter and archives. Email

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Reports stream in of bicentenary celebrations

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