Response to message from our National Convention — Bahá'í Aotearoa
Response to message from our National Convention

Response to message from our National Convention


Transmitted by email

TO:  The National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

DATE:  26 May 2019

Email address: 



The message from your National Convention, which conveyed a clear sense of purpose and heightened resolve among the delegates, filled us with confidence that your much-loved community is poised to greatly widen the circle of those participating in the community-building process under way. At a time when divisions within the human family seem so intractable, Bahá’u’lláh’s message of oneness offers the only source of hope to your society. Be assured of our heartfelt supplications in the Holy Shrines that the efforts of the friends may be blessed and confirmed as they reach out to others and invite them to join together in cultivating communities untainted by prejudice or discord.

The Universal House of Justice

cc: International Teaching Centre; Board of Counsellors in Australasia; Counsellor Tessa Scrine

Seat of the Universal House of Justice and surrounding gardens.

Seat of the Universal House of Justice and surrounding gardens.

To read the message from National Convention click here.

Featured photo: Entrance of the Seat of the Universal House of Justice. Source of photos: Bahá'í Media Bank (copyright © Bahá'í International Community).

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