E Te Uri O Te Puehu!

E Te Uri O Te Puehu!


Kaua e tatū ki te okioki i te tōhipatanga o tētahi rā, kaua koe e whakawehe i a koe anō i te rangimārie mutungakore. Kaua e hokona te māra koakoa mutungakore mō te puke-puehu o te ao kikokīko. Pikia mai tō hereherenga ki ngā mānia korōria o runga, ka rere ai i tō herehere kikokīko ki te wāhi tau o te Wāhi Ngaro.


Be not content with the ease of a passing day, and deprive not thyself of everlasting rest. Barter not the garden of eternal delight for the dust-heap of a mortal world. Up from thy prison ascend unto the glorious meads above, and from thy mortal cage wing thy flight unto the paradise of the Placeless.

ای پسر رماد

براحت یومی قانع مشو و از راحت بیزوال باقیه مگذر و گلشن باقی عیش جاودان را بگلخن فانی ترابی تبدیل منما از زندان بصحراهای خوش جان عروج کن و از قفس امکان برضوان دلکش لامکان بخرام

Multi-faith prayer week in lead-up to bicentenary

Multi-faith prayer week in lead-up to bicentenary

Video message identifies key concepts for bicentenary plans

Video message identifies key concepts for bicentenary plans