Violette Haake's ‘intrepid spirit’ leaves legacy of devoted service

Violette Haake's ‘intrepid spirit’ leaves legacy of devoted service

The Universal House of Justice sent the message below to all National Spiritual Assemblies on 24 September 2020. A message from the National Spiritual Assembly about Mrs Haake’s contributions to this country appears beneath.

Our hearts sorrow at the passing of dearly loved Violette Haake. Reared in a distinguished family tracing its roots to the early history of the Faith, she served the Cause of God with utter dedication over many decades, first in her native Iran, and later in the United States and Australia. Whether when pioneering, or during her time as an Auxiliary Board member, or as a Continental Counsellor in Australasia, and most especially in the ten years she served as a member of the International Teaching Centre, her intrepid spirit and radiant enthusiasm for teaching were ever in evidence as she rallied the friends, particularly the youth; poured out encouragement; and fanned the flame of love for Bahá’u’lláh in the hearts. Violette possessed a character that blended extraordinary resilience, steadfastness, and inner strength with unfailing kindness, a nurturing instinct, and true joy. To the last, hers was a life devoted to the service of the Lord.

To her husband, Roderic, and her daughter, Susanne, we extend our heartfelt condolences, with an assurance of our supplications at the Sacred Threshold for the progress of Violette’s luminous soul as it plunges into the sea of light in the world of mysteries. The believers in every land are asked to arrange memorials in her honour, including in all Houses of Worship, as circumstances permit.

The Universal House of Justice

Letter from the National Spiritual Assembly

This letter was sent to Local Spiritual Assemblies and Bahá'í groups on 25 September 2020.

Dear Friends

In sharing with you the House of Justice’s communication of the passing of dear Violette Haake, and in echoing the Supreme Body’s request for friends everywhere to honour her memory with special memorials, the National Spiritual Assembly wishes to add a few words of its own, in memory of her close connection with Aotearoa.

During the time that Mrs Haake served as a Counsellor in Australasia in the 1990s she became a familiar figure in this country, much loved by the friends who benefitted from the wisdom she shared on a number of occasions. Among these occasions were the 1990-91 summer school at Kaiapoi in the South Island (where the legendary Gertrude Blum was also present); an historic joint meeting of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Australia and New Zealand which took place at the Bahá’í Centre in Henderson in August 1994 (where Counsellor Haake was present alongside Counsellors Tinai Hancock and Gayle Morrison); the 1993 Pacific Horizons Conference in Auckland (with Counsellors Heather Simpson from Australasia and Jacqueline Left Hand Bull Delahunt from the Americas); a joint meeting of Pacific-wide National Spiritual Assembly representatives while some of their members were in New Zealand for the Pacific Horizons conference, in which, it was reported, “A highlight of their consultation was Counsellor Haake's address on the Ocean of Light”; and the New Zealand Persian Conference in 1995. She was also instrumental in encouraging the New Zealand friends to support the Bahá’í community of the Cook Islands.

We remember Mrs Haake as a truly inspirational person, deeply grounded in the teachings, steadfast as a rock, with a mind like a razor — balanced by a warm and loving nature and a wonderful sense of humour! She had a special relationship with New Zealand, not only through her many visits, talks and consultations on the teaching work but in her towering strength in protecting the Covenant and guiding the National Assembly and members of the community in the late 1990s. We are informed that, later as a member of the International Teaching Centre and based in Haifa, Mrs Haake was always attentive to the growth of the Cause in New Zealand, knew the progress of our clusters intimately and guided, mentored, advised and supported the Counsellors serving New Zealand, often on a weekly basis. Her insights, wisdom, care and love have affected the growth of the Cause and institutions in New Zealand much more than we may imagine. To all of us she stands as a shining example of tireless dedication to humanity, and joyful spiritual service to a Faith that is transforming the nature of all mankind.

It is inspiring to think of such stalwart pioneers of the Faith’s growth in our part of the world, who observe from the celestial kingdom our efforts in these present days of turbulence and opportunity, standing ready to come to our aid.

Loving Bahá’í greetings
National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá’ís of New Zealand

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