Zoom talks offer support for local firesides

Zoom talks offer support for local firesides

A group of friends has organised a series of monthly Bahá’í information evenings through Zoom. The evenings feature presentations by various speakers. Friends around New Zealand are invited to join in and arrange their own firesides around the topics.

An attractive flyer lists the speakers and topics, and provides the Zoom link. The flyer is designed for sharing with contacts who may be interested. (A new version was posted here on 4 June 2021.)

These presentations are designed to introduce the Faith and explore a Bahá’í perspective on key topics that relate to the life of the individuals and society. The sessions are being held monthly (on Saturdays) from February to November.

The Zoom link for the talks is:


Meeting ID: 814 0868 6831. Passcode: 611603.

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