Conferences are adapted to pandemic circumstances

Conferences are adapted to pandemic circumstances

It is anticipated that there will be many such spaces that will form Aotearoa’s contribution to the worldwide series of conferences.

The National Spiritual Assembly has decided that the conferences to be held throughout the country to provide a “dynamic thrust forward with the launch of the Nine Year Plan”[1] will now be held on a scale commensurate with the red traffic light setting for pandemic circumstances that seems likely to continue well into April.

The National Assembly and Regional Councils have no doubt that smaller gatherings will nevertheless convey the spiritual energy to all participants, “will give participants an opportunity to gain greater insight into the nature of the spiritual enterprise in which they are engaged”[1] and will be able to fulfil all of the other purposes set out by the Universal House of Justice in its letter of 15 September 2021.

Most importantly, they will be outward-facing, welcoming occasions of joyful celebration, in a spiritually charged atmosphere. It is anticipated that there will be many such spaces that will form Aotearoa’s contribution to the worldwide series of conferences. Friends will no doubt already be finding ways to prepare those in your wider circles to participate alongside you in this experience, even if only for part of the conference, which in most cases is likely to be two full days in duration.

The conferences, positioned more closely to the grassroots, will all be held “by Ridván or soon thereafter” [1] as specified by the Supreme Institution. The dates previously set out for different areas of our country by the Regional Councils may still be utilised in those areas if appropriate.

The Local Spiritual Assemblies are being invited to meet online with the National Spiritual Assembly and representatives of other institutions to acquaint them with the key role that they are now requested to undertake in this adjusted approach. The capacity-building of all institutions – national, regional and local – all interconnected with the same spirit, is certain to become a valuable outcome of this collaboration to fulfil such a significant undertaking.

The conferences will convey the spiritual energy released by the gatherings in the Holy Land to each participant and galvanise all of us to embrace the coming nine years, with “hearts fortified through the power of His Word”[2].

[1] Universal House of Justice, letter of 15 September 2021 to all National Spiritual Assemblies

[2] Universal House of Justice, letter of 4 January 2022 to the Bahá’ís of the World.

Joyful and focused institutional meeting

Joyful and focused institutional meeting

Examples of arts to enhance conferences

Examples of arts to enhance conferences