Hamilton Assembly engages with Mayor

Hamilton Assembly engages with Mayor

The visit of Hon. Mayor Paula Southgate and Council Member Emma Pike to the Bahá'í Centre in Hamilton on Friday, 5 July 2024, was an event that showcased how local Assemblies can strengthen ties with civic leaders and highlight the valuable contributions of the Bahá'í community in local, national and global settings. Shared below are the details of the gathering, including what the Assembly was able to share with the guests and why it was valuable to strengthen the connection between the Bahá'í community and key civic representatives.

The Spiritual Assembly of Hamilton initiated the visit by sending a letter to the Mayor's office, seeking to introduce their activities and build relationships with key community figures. The Mayor’s office responded promptly, arranging a visit from 1:00 PM to 1:45 PM on Friday 5 July.

Upon their arrival, the Assembly shared a prayer for peace, and the Chairperson warmly welcomed the guests, commending Mayor Southgate for her efforts in promoting unity within the Council. The ensuing discussion delved into personal backgrounds and aspirations, emphasising unity in diversity and the importance of consultation. Mayor Southgate noted how Bahá'í teachings could help address divisive issues within the Council.

The Assembly highlighted the Bahá'í community's dedication to education, detailing various programmes such as children’s classes, the junior youth spiritual empowerment programme, and the main sequence of the Institute process. The Assembly shared how these initiatives aim to foster personal and social transformation through service to the community and engagement with the Word of God.

The Assembly also shared their leadership in organising the Race Unity Speech Awards and described the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity, which empowers university youth to engage in societal discourses as critical thinkers.

Initially scheduled for 45 minutes, the visit extended to nearly one and a half hours as Mayor Southgate and Council member Pike enjoyed afternoon tea and engaged in relaxed, meaningful conversations.

Following the visit, the Assembly sent a letter of appreciation to the Mayor’s office, expressing gratitude for the opportunity to discuss ways to enhance the community through love, unity, and consultation. This letter also highlighted the importance of ongoing collaboration and mutual support between the Bahá'í community and local leaders.

This successful gathering, initiated by the Hamilton Bahá'í community serves as a valuable model for other Assemblies, demonstrating the importance of proactive outreach and engagement with civic leaders to foster unity and advance the community's shared goals. It shows that Bahá'í communities can build strong relationships and make meaningful connections with the support of key community representatives, and collectively contribute to the betterment of society.

Valuable conversations were had between members of the Hamilton Assembly, Hon. Mayor Paula Southgate and Council Member Emma Pike.

Feature photo: Members of the Hamilton Assembly meet with Hon. Mayor Paula Southgate and Council Member Emma Pike at the Hamilton Bahá'í centre.

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