Bolstering the movement of clusters
Regional gatherings of institutions, called for by the National Spiritual Assembly after its own consultations with Counsellors, are presently being held in the North and South Islands. These two regional gatherings are considering what additional measures can be employed to support clusters to move along the continuum of growth more rapidly by drawing on the rich experience of strengthening the process of growth using proven strategies. In reading the reality of clusters in the light of guidance, Counsellor Scrine, Auxiliary Board members, National Assembly representatives, and Regional Councils are reflecting at these meetings on the movement of all clusters, including forecasts, plans and strategies, in the first half of the first phase of the Nine Year Plan. In doing so, they are identifying advances, challenges, capacities built, and experiences accrued.
The two regional gatherings are also reflecting on the current systems and processes for following and analysing the movement of clusters at the regional level, as well as at the level of groups of clusters and the cluster level itself. In doing so, those participating are striving to identify potential refinements to these systems and processes.
One participant in the South Island gathering expressed that “it was uplifting to see the institutions come together to focus on their collective efforts and capacity, read their reality, analyse and plan with a readiness to execute these plans together..”
Feature photo: South Island regional gathering 24-25 August 2024 held at the Christchurch Bahá'í Centre, Spreydon (photograph by Brett Keeman). Pictured are Counsellor Tessa Scrine, three National Spiritual Assembly members, all five members of the South Island Regional Bahá'í Council, both Auxiliary Board members for the South Island, and both members of the Regional Institute Board (who also took part in the consultations) along with baby Tara Kolodner.