An opportunity for collective devotions

An opportunity for collective devotions

From 13 to 20 October 2024, the Week of Prayer for World Peace will be observed. This global initiative, established 50 years ago, calls on individuals and communities from all faiths, and those with no specific religious affiliation, to come together in prayer and reflection to promote peace.

We are sharing this invitation to give ample time for Bahá’í friends, families, and communities to prepare and consider hosting devotional gatherings during this significant week. Whether held at home, with groups of families, or in larger community settings, these gatherings offer a powerful opportunity to contribute to a collective effort for peace, unity, and healing in a world that deeply needs it.

Bahá’u’lláh’s vision for humanity is centred on the unity of the human race, a world where prejudices are set aside, and the complete oneness of humankind is paramount. The Week of Prayer for World Peace gives us a chance to reflect on this profound vision and to align our hearts and prayers with Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings of justice, harmony, and collective well-being. Our prayers can importantly be seen as part of a larger, global effort to contribute to the spiritual transformation of society, and these gatherings will open up opportunities for meaningful conversations to occur.

This year, a 12-page prayer resource has been produced by the UK organising committee, offering prayers and reflections from different faith traditions. You are welcome to use this resource as part of your personal devotions or in devotional gatherings, or other occasions. It is available for download at the button below.

In addition, a series of daily video reflections from leaders of various spiritual traditions will be available at, and daily readings will also be posted on the Week of Prayer for World Peace Facebook page

Noting that this is the 50th anniversary of the Week of Prayer for World Peace, and the Bahá’í community has embraced this initiative from the beginning, it’s a wonderful opportunity to prepare for and engage in this global undertaking for peace.

Register now for next NZ ISGP undergrad seminar!

Register now for next NZ ISGP undergrad seminar!

Inspiring gatherings illuminate the path forward

Inspiring gatherings illuminate the path forward