Resources for bicentenary celebrations: 29-30 October 2019

Resources for bicentenary celebrations: 29-30 October 2019

The broad framework to both bicentenaries as set out in the letter written on behalf of the House of Justice dated 18 May 2016, is that the locus of activity was to be at the local level. It also described the eight cycles between the two anniversaries as the period during which the greatest share of the effort needed to fulfil the objectives of the Five Year Plan would be required.

“Preparations for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb should be undertaken with a recognition that the festivities marking this anniversary have a special context. They will occur just two years after the bicentenary of the Birth of Bahá’u’lláh, and the Báb was of course the Herald of Bahá’u’lláh. Before and after the first bicentenary, the believers engaged family, friends, and acquaintances of all kinds in conversations about the life and teachings of the Blessed Beauty, and the conversations which occur in connection with the upcoming anniversary will in many ways be an extension of these, centring on both of the Faith’s Twin Founders.”

Letters for study and reflection regarding preparations for the bicentenary of the Birth of the Báb:

Letter from the Universal House of Justice dated 1 June 2018

Letter from the National Spiritual Assembly dated 20 June 2018

Other resources:

In 2018 Riḍván message, “the House of Justice referred to the heroism of the Báb and His followers, the stirring accounts of whose lives are sure to be revisited and retold in the coming months. In keeping with the overall approach to this bicentenary, it will be important to reflect on the purpose of calling to mind these remarkable narratives, which possess a merit far beyond an exploration of history. They enable the friends, who are occupied with responding to the needs of the Cause in this day, to draw inspiration and courage from the sacrifices of the dawn-breakers. They assist the company of believers to realise that, by consecrating themselves to the acts of service required in this age, they are emulating the noble qualities of their spiritual forebears.”

-The website of the worldwide Bahá’í community: The Báb – Herald of the Bahá’í Faith

-Articles and Resources: A selection of essays, articles and resource materials which further explore the life of the Báb and His mission

“The Dawnbreakers”

“The Dawnbreakers”

- “The Dawn-Breakers: Nabil's Narrative of the Early Days of the Baha'i Revelation” (purchase from Bahá’í Distribution Service (also available in Persian) or download from Bahá’í Reference Library).

- “The Báb: The Herald of the Day of Days”, by Hand of the Cause H.M. Balyuzi. Available from Bahá’í Distribution Service.

“The Báb: The Herald of the Day of Days”

“The Báb: The Herald of the Day of Days”

As indicated on behalf of the House of Justice “there will doubtless begin to emerge many examples of artistic expression arising from a profound reflection on the appearance above the horizon of the world, in quick succession, of two Manifestations of God, and the implications for the life of humanity.” The National Assembly would be delighted to receive news and photos of such artistic expressions.

Also below is a logo that friends are welcome to use.


The Bahá'í Media Bank has also added a collection of 86 images and videos related to the bicentenaries of the births of Bahá’u’lláh and the Báb. The new section, called Special Bicentenary Collection, includes photographs related to the Shrines of the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh, aerial videos of the Shrine of the Báb and the terraces, bicentenary graphics in 9 languages, and images and videos offering glimpses of the October 2017 celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of Bahá’u’lláh.

Designated accounts on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube are regularly updated with images and videos in honour of these two events.

The Universal House of Justice has commissioned both a film “Dawn of the Light” and a dedicated website for the occasion. It also anticipates preparing a special letter to mark the two-hundred-year anniversary. The Bahá'í World Centre’s web portal for the bicentenary,, will share information about celebration events as they unfold in various countries during the upcoming Twin Holy Days. It will also provide materials to support bicentenary initiatives. A letter on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to National Spiritual Assemblies on 6 September 2019 stated: “It is hoped that before, during, and after the Holy Days, this website will serve as a valuable resource upon which the friends may draw for inspiration and encouragement.” Some content is already live on the site and there will soon be more. The film, “Dawn of the Light”, will be posted there before the end of September.

You can also refer to and share the following films and websites:

-View or download the film: A Widening Embrace

-View or download the film: Light to the World

-”Dawn of the Light” film: Dawn of the Light

The Bahá’í World News Service is publishing a series of articles about preparations for the 200th anniversary of the birth of the Báb. Subscribe to Bahá’í World News Service (BWNS), the official news source of the worldwide Bahá’í community for latest updates:

-Artistic expressions blossom across the globe

-In this bicentenary year, remembering the birth of a new Faith (podcast)

-New year heralds second bicentenary period

-The Bahá’í Faith in Aotearoa New Zealand: Bahá’í Holy days

-You are encouraged to use the following hashtags if posting about your events and activities on social media: #nzbahai #TheBab200

Other books and institute material:

Prayer books * Writings of Bahá’u’lláh * Writings of the Báb * Days of Remembrance

Bahá’u’lláh: The Divine Educator (Purchase both booklets from Bahá'í Distribution Service or download the PDF version)

The Báb: Herald of the Bahá'í Faith (Purchase both booklets from Bahá'í Distribution Service or download the PDF version)

In collaboration with the New Zealand Office of Public Affairs, a national celebration in Wellington for dignitaries and prominent members of society is being organised.

Check the Bahá'í Distribution Service website for other bicentenary offers.

Submitting Reports

The National Spiritual Assembly and Regional Bahá'í Councils would be grateful to receive reports of how individuals, families and Local Spiritual Assemblies are marking this auspicious occasion by completing a simple online form (link will be available from 1 October).

Source of featured photo: Bahá'í Media Bank (copyright © Bahá'í International Community)

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