'Dawn of the Light' film coming soon

'Dawn of the Light' film coming soon

Although not yet released, the film will be available for viewing and download on the Bahai.org website before the end of September.

The Universal House of Justice has shared the following information:

“The film, titled Dawn of the Light, will be approximately 45 minutes in duration. It portrays several friends from different continents as they relate their own personal search after truth and meaning. These individuals share their discovery that God has sent two Divine Manifestations—the Báb and Bahá’u’lláh—Whose Teachings are revolutionizing human thought and behaviour. It is a discovery that is inspiring the efforts of many across the globe to serve humanity and to contribute to the movement of populations towards a new pattern of life.”

The manner in which this film is utilised will largely depend on personal and local circumstances.  We envisage that it will be a most useful tool in assisting friends with their own explanations of the significance of the Twin Manifestations. In addition, viewing the film with our friends and contacts leading up to the bicentenary will foster more participation in the bicentenary celebrations because of the inspiration and understanding garnered from viewing the film.

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